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CVFM Vendor Rules

The 2025-2026 Market Guidelines/Regulations are for everyone at the Cuyahoga Valley Farmers Market(CVFM) to have a safe, fun, and successful market experience.

The Market Mission: Cuyahoga Valley Farmers Markets’ (CVFM) works to provide access to and education about sustainable foods and agriculture to the communities in Northeast Ohio by building connections between our community and the producers of locally grown food. CVFM was established in 2022 to continue the operation of the long-running Countryside farmers markets in Howe Meadow and at Old Trail School, both located in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. These vibrant farmers markets have been in operation since 2004 and have been growing steadily since their inception.

Board of Directors:

Micheal Jones, Elizabeth Calvelage, Michelle Charles, Maryann Lipaj, Marilyn Wotowiec, Kalyani Sapkal, Allyson Smith, Dave Polacheck, and Sarah Kalaban

Location, Dates and Hours of Operation:

SUMMER Season:The market is open rain or shine, Saturdays from the first week of May through the end of October. The market is open from 9am until 12pm (May-October) with vendor setup 7am-8:45am. The market is located in Howe Meadow, 4040 Riverview Rd, in Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

WINTER Season:The market is open on Saturdays rain or shine, from the first Saturday in November through the end of April and closed for Christmas and/or New Year’s Day. The market is open from 9am until 12pm with vendor setup from 7:30am-8:45am. The Market is located at Old Trail School, 2315 Ira RD, directly behind Howe Meadow.

Exact start-up dates and locations are chosen yearly after discussion by the Board of Directors and Market Manager.

Market Fees:

Application Fee:

$25 Summer and Winter Online Application
$35 Summer and Winter Paper Application

The non-refundable application fee is required each year for application processing for all applications. Your application will not be processed until your non-refundable fee has been received. Paper application fees may be paid by credit card, check, or cash.

Interested vendors are required to apply through Manage My Market. Vendors will need to upload a credit card on file to use as payment for the application. Vendors will have the option to use that card on file to pay for future market fees.

Click here for the link to that web based software

Applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors (BOD) and Market Staff. Approval is based on providing customers with a balanced and varied product mix, the vendor's locality, product quality, and sustainability. All accepted vendors will either have a credit card on file or pay a $100 deposit, refundable at the end of the season.

Vendors must be located within 100 miles of Akron, with all products sold at Market produced within that area.

No refunds will be given for vendor fees. If a vendor decides to change the schedule or end their participation in the Market after paying a fee, no refund will be paid to the vendor. The vendor’s signature on the application form indicates that they have read, fully understand, and agree to comply with all the following guidelines.

Booth and Space:
Booth Fees:

Each booth space measures 10’x10’ and costs a flat rate of $45 for Summer and $35 for Winter for Market Day with additional charges for extra spaces and electricity (see below).

Summer Market Fees:

  • Flat $45 weekly

  • Electricity (limited availability, only as needed) $10 weekly

  • Extra Booth $10

  • Extra Vendor in Booth $20

The primary vendor is responsible for the standard $45 weekly booth fee. If the primary vendor chooses to share their booth with one or more additional vendors, each of those additional vendors will be charged $20 per week. Each additional vendor must complete a separate application, pay the $25 application fee, and provide proof of liability insurance with CVFM listed as the certificate holder, as well as any required local county health department permits (in the vendor's home county).

Winter Market Fees:

  • Flat $35 weekly

  • Electricity (limited availability, only as needed) $5 weekly

  • Extra Booth $5

  • Extra Vendor in Booth $10

The primary vendor is responsible for the standard $35 weekly booth fee. If the primary vendor chooses to share their booth with one or more additional vendors, each of those additional vendors will be charged $10 per week. Each additional vendor must complete a separate application, pay the $25 application fee, and provide proof of liability insurance with CVFM listed as the certificate holder, as well as any required local county health department permits (in the vendor’s home county).

CVFM is a not-for-profit corporation; all proceeds will be used for the benefit of the market. Fee scales may be adjusted every year by the decision of the Board of Directors. Sales Reporting is required and done on the honor system.

Outdoor summer vendor spaces are 10’x10’ spaces.
Indoor winter vendor spaces are 10’ wide and fit an 8’ table.
Winter: Food trucks and trailers may exceed usual space limitations and will be located outside in the parking lot at Old Trail School at the Market Manager’s discretion. 

Vendors are responsible for bringing their tables, chairs, signage, extension cords, and weather protection.

Vendor spaces are assigned by number. Booths may not be shared or sublet to another vendor without prior approval by the manager. 

Booth disassembly is not permitted until the market closes at 12pm. Vendors who are sold out of product can use the duration of the market as an opportunity for education about their business. Early booth disassembly without prior approval may be subjected to a vendor suspension. If a Vendor has an emergency and needs to leave early, please notify Market Management immediately. WINTER MARKET: All Vendors are required to break down and pack up their booth before bringing the vehicle into the back of the school to load.

Vendors are expected to have their booths completely set up at least 15 minutes before the market opens to present a professional venue and to ensure the safety of customers and vendors. Late-arriving vendors may be permitted to set up as space permits. If the assigned space of the late-arriving vendor has been occupied or is inaccessible, the manager will help the vendor find an alternative location. Late arriving SUMMER MARKET vendors may not be allowed to enter the market with a vehicle to set up if customer safety is put at risk.

Electric Fee:Summer $10 per week for each 15 amp electrical plugin/Winter $5 per week for each 15 amp electrical plugin

Manager approval is needed before a Vendor may use any and all types of electrical outlets (i.e. light poles, power panels, spider boxes) at the CVFM.

Vendors must notify the Market Manager if electricity at the booth is required on their application. Electrical requirements must be outlined on market application that includes the type of electrical appliance and electrical amperes necessary for operation. Sources for electricity are limited. The availability is dependent on the number of vendors requiring power. Vendor space location may be limited to accessible power sources.

Attendance/Date Scheduling
Cancellation Policy

Once a vendor has been approved in Manage My Market for a Market Day, they are obligated to attend that date unless the vendor cancels their reserved market booth space 36-hours before the Market date. Notice may be given via email, phone, text, or in person to the Market Manager. If notice is not provided 36-hours in advance, the Vendor may be required to pay the booth fee before another will be assigned. Any prepayment of booth fee may not be refunded. Withdrawing the date in Manage My Market is the responsibility of the vendor.

CVFM is a rain or shine event and our policy is to not close the market due to weather unless we declare it is unsafe for our attendees. We rely on the NOAA/NWS, as well as other local weather predictions, to make the best decision for our vendors and attendees. Cancellations by vendors due to weather concerns will be discussed on a case by case basis and the Vendor may be charged for their space.

Scheduling Dates
All dates of projected attendance must be selected in Manage My Market. Any and all future date changes must be submitted through Manage My Market.

Click Here to learn how to change the date. Click Here to change your date

Market Day Conduct and Etiquette:
Vendors are required to clean up their sites after each market day. Vendor waste may not be deposited on site or at the Zero Waste Station at the Market Info booth.

Vendors are prohibited from smoking in their booths.

Vendors shall refrain from disparaging the CVFM or other vendors and their products. Disputes not settled by the interested parties may be brought to the manager or his/her representative for arbitration. The manager’s or his/her designated decision is final. The manager may elect to bring the dispute before the market board for a decision. If the vendor would like to dispute a decision, then the matter must be presented to the market board within thirty days.

Vendors shall not give produce or other products away for free or at reduced pricing to potentially undercut sales of other vendors. Dumping large quantities of produce at low prices is not permitted. This does not include product samples or giving good salable produce to charities such as food banks or homeless shelters. Trading between vendors is permissible.

Vendors are not permitted to hawk their products in a loud or repetitive way that interrupts the sales of surrounding vendors, nor are they permitted to pursue sales away from their assigned vendor site.

Vendors are not permitted to play music during market hours.

SNAP/EBT Food Stamp Program
How SNAP/EBT Works

Customers can bring their EBT card to the Market Info Booth to receive tokens to use in place of their SNAP/EBT benefits. Those tokens can be received by any authorized vendor who has signed the previously mentioned SNAP/EBT Vendor Agreement. Tokens come in $1 increments, cash MAY NOT be given in change of the tokens. The vendors can come to the Market Info Booth to turn in the SNAP/EBT tokens they received that day for reimbursement at the end of every market. 

All vendors must agree to participate in the food assistance programs administered at the Market, including, but not limited to: SNAP, WIC, SFMNP, and Produce Perks. These programs provide customers with alternative methods of payment using a token or voucher system.

Market Day Documentation/Permits/Licenses
Vendors are required to carry their own personal and product liability insurance policy for protection in the event of a lawsuit. The market liability policy only covers Cuyahoga Valley Farmers Market Inc., not the vendor.

Vendors are required to identify their farm or business with a written or printed sign affixed to their table or stand. These signs need not be professionally produced but must include the name of the business or vendor and its location.

CVFM will provide the market venue, vendor or exhibitor screening, market liability insurance, advertising, media contacts and promotion, special musician or performance events, fee collection, coordination, and community outreach as well as representation with local government entities as needed.

Product Guidelines
All products must be listed in the vendor profile in Manage My Market.
The products are subject to approval. If the vendor wants to add a new product during the season, prior approval is required from the Market Manager/BOD, and the vendor will have to upload the product in Manage My Market.

Organic Certification: Vendors using the term “organic” about their products must provide a copy of their certification with their application and post a copy of this certification at their stand on market days. If a vendor would like to state, “chemical-free,” “naturally grown,” or “grown without the use of pesticides,” proof will need to be provided to the manager or market board. Proof of exemption eligibility relating to sales volume must be provided to the market manager.

Cuyahoga Valley Farmers Market Inc. is a producers’ only market. Wholesale or retail purchase of items for resale is not permitted. Goods sold shall be grown, baked or otherwise produced by the vendor. “Carrying” or the sale of up to 10% of local but non-vendor-produced products may be permitted with the prior approval of the market manager under the advice of the board of directors. Product-specific definitions are explained in the Producer-Specific Guidelines Addendum below.

Allowed products include, but may not be limited to:A) Raw or minimally processed farm products including produce, eggs, fresh and frozen meat, honey, herbs, annual seedlings, nursery stock, cut flowers, and maple syrup. B) Cottage foods and non-refrigerated baked goods, jams, coffees, and tea are made from scratch using raw ingredients. Products made from prepared dough and mixes are not permitted, with preference given to those made with ingredients that are harvested from your farm or a farm within 100 miles of the farmers’ market. C) Products that require more stringent inspections, regulation, and usually refrigeration, including acidified foods like pickles and relishes, cheese and other dairy products, kinds of vinegar, and ready-to-eat prepared foods. D) Farm Crafts are produced predominantly from materials grown or harvested by the vendor.

Vendors are expected to be aware of and in compliance with all state and local requirements for their product(s). They must comply with all applicable guidelines, obtain all required inspections and licenses, and meet all labeling requirements. Vendors are solely responsible for being aware of the Ohio Department of Agriculture and local Health Department rules and regulations and must display or produce necessary certificates and licenses at their booth or when requested by the Market Manager or a state or local regulatory agent.

Vendors or exhibitors who fail to comply with market regulations will be subject to the following disciplinary actions:
First offense: Verbal warning.
Second offense: Written warning and immediate removal from the market for the remainder of the day.
Third offense: Termination of market privileges and forfeiture of any paid site fees.<