Our little farm has changed so much in 40 years! What started out as a 1st generation 6 head family dairy farm has turned to a certified organic, diverse vegetable and small grain business. Like most small family farms homesteading was the reason for moving to our 30 acres in Stark county, Ohio. The idea of kids running, growing our own food, and having the room to take large breaths of fresh air was too much to pass up.
Fast forward a few decades and we are still a small farm but we have some different goals and direction. We are focusing mainly on producing and milling small grains. We felt that this was something our region and community was lacking.
We are a father daughter team that share a strong passion for organics, the environment, and small business
Alex (father) had a long career as a union carpenter. While also coming home each day and farming. He retired and started doing a market garden for farmers market to teach his youngest kids some entrepreneurial skills. Most of his skills are self taught. That includes farming, driving horses, fixing machinery, welding, and making maple syrup. He knows alot about alot and is always willing to share. He currently serves on the board of OEFFA and Countryside Farmers Market vendor board
Alexis (daughter) had a short career in logistics. After having enough of corporate games and office politics she quit and came home to the farm. One summer has turned into six and she isn’t looking back. She is trying to learn as much as she can and having fun doing it. She can now drive horses, make maple syrup, haul trailers, mill grains, and raise bees.